Happy Father's Day

Fathers are very important in genealogical research. First of all they generally have the same name throughout their lives. This makes it much easier to research their ancestral line. The father’s name is very often used as a reference in documents. The mother’’s name is used as well but many times only the father’s name appears. Jewish gravestones seldom include the mother’s name. Many of us have good memories of their Dad. Some were with us a long time and some were tragically removed from our lives at an early age. To some of us our fathers were a source of inspiration, to others he was a good buddy. He taught us the simple skills we needed to navigate life. Balancing a checkbook or changing a tire. They may have seen a particular skill or talent we had and he guided us to our calling. Some people were not that lucky. Their father might have been mean, cold, or just uninterested in the...