The Future of My Tree

Why do I do this. I’ve constructed a family tree with going as far back as the early 1800s through 16 branches. I’ve learned the history of my ancestors. Their names, places, occupations, and their stories have given me a better understanding of who I am and what they had to endure to insure their legacy would not go unappreciated. I’ve communicated with other people researching their ancestors and felt joy when they share their successes. I‘ve also felt their pain and disappointment when a particular lead did not pan out. I’ve met cousins that I did not know existed and I’ve become acquainted or reacquainted with those who I had in my tree but have never met or spoken to. This genealogy hobby takes a lot of work. You need to check your facts and sources before adding someone to a tree. Without those, somebody can accuse you of just making things up. My grandfather (Louis Levine) dictated a family tree to us which incl...