Feeling Good

All families are made up of all kinds of people. Some family members are good, charitable, smart, and empathetic. Some are a little crazy but in a good way. Others are selfish and self centered. I’m sure that every family has a member that is the black sheep. The one that nobody likes or can stand being around. Stories abound about all types and we relate them to each other, close friends, and even new acquaintances. I have a few “feel good” stories about the nicer, more inspirational relatives in my tree. Lenox Seder Plate My mother, Minnie Levine nee Boxinbaum was a beautiful soul. She was always willing to help anybody with anything. One of her passions was literacy. It was important to her that all people should be able to read and have access to all of the information that is available to her. I remember that she used to read newspapers and text books to a blind young woman who was becoming a Nu...