
Louis Rubin This post is about my wife’s uncle Louis Rubin. Louis married Arlene’s aunt Fran Snyder. Louis is the first person of interest in my blog that is not a blood relative to either me or Arlene. Louis Rubin was born in Dinwiddie, VA. on February 8th 1922. He was the oldest child of Jake and Rose Rubin and most likely was named after Jake’s father Louis. Jake and Rose owned and operated a small grocery store in Petersburg, Virginia. Lou was born shortly after Jake and Rose entered the USA and they had a daughter Syllvia who was about two and a half years younger than Lou. Jake and Rose eked out a living with their small market but Lou claimed he never knew they were poor. He had a roof over his head and never went hungry. He had clothes on his back and friends to play with. He was very content with his portion in life. Lou went to high school in Petersburg and after he graduated attended...