Picture This

Every family has their own famous iconic photograph. The ones that every aunt, uncle and cousin has hanging on their wall or at least in a photo album that is stacked on a shelf in the den. My Levine side is represented by this picture of my grandfather, Louis Levine with his four sons. This picture was taken in the late 1930s or early 1940s and was reprieved in 1974 when we gathered in Erie for my grandparent’s 60th wedding anniversary. These pictures revive memories and stories of those who have passed. We all have those shoeboxes of old family pictures that have been handed down to us from a parent or grandparent. They sit forgotten for many years and then one day when we are cleaning out a closet we run across this box and look through the old photos. Sometimes we hit a goldmine, unveiling pictures of cousins that we have never met and possibly pictures of people from different parts of our families that were thrown to...